success on social media

5 tips for success on social media


For independent professionals, social networks have now become excellent tools for  publicizing their activity and sharing their news. Most VSEs and SMEs have completely adopted these networks in their digital communication strategy.

With nearly 40 million active users each month in France, Facebook remains indisputably the number 1 social network. On the podium, we also find YouTube and Instagram with more than 20 million users each.

Then there are social networks like Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn which are of interest to many professionals in certain sectors of activity.

It’s a basic rule in communication, and it also applies to social networks: no need to communicate if you have no one to target…

In other words, it is crucial to choose the social networks on which you want to appear. Start by finding where your customers usually go on the Internet.

Professionals who launch their activity often tend to scatter, wanting to be present everywhere. However, communicating on several social networks requires time and good organization.

What keywords related to your business are typed by your customers on Google?

Which communication format is the most appreciated by your ideal client: video, blog post, image or message on social networks?

What medium do your customers prefer to browse the Web: computer, mobile or tablet?

In order to answer all these questions, it is recommended to ask your customers directly. Start by interviewing your oldest customers, they will be more willing to answer you to help you develop your business.

From talking to our customers, we know that many healthcare professionals favor Facebook and Instagram for social media communication. Consultants will, for their part, prefer a presence on LinkedIn at first, then on Facebook.

If you have aprofessional Facebook page, it is recommended that you create a group affiliated with this page. Then invite your customers to join this group to discuss and share your professional advice. By posting regularly to this group, members will share your posts more, which promotes word of mouth. Thus, you will see the number of people in your group increase and your visibility grow. This is a great customer relationship tool for your business.

Publish regularly to keep the link

Social networks were created to forge links between Internet users. When you choose to communicate on these platforms, be sure to go there regularly to share content and interact with your subscribers. While they’re a great tool for communicating with people you know, they’re also a great way to find new customers.

In addition, the various algorithms like that of Facebook carefully monitor the social activity of companies to deduce the most active and engaging ones. Thus, the more regular you are and the more interaction you get from your subscribers, the more visible you will be.

To keep this regularity, nothing beats a good editorial calendar in which you will plan all the publications to be produced over a given period. This allows you to structure your work and write content accordingly. In order to be effective on social networks, it is strongly recommended to write relevant content on your website and then share it on these social media.

Today, many tools allow you to automate the publication of your various messages on social networks. We are thinking in particular of Hootsuite , Swello or even Neocamino which offer you a single dashboard to manage several networks at the same time.

Having content is good, but you still have to know how to share it at the right time ! Many statistics are available on the Internet to find the right time to post on each network. We recommend that you first perform tests to identify what appeals to your subscribers. So, in the beginning, frequently change the days and times you post on social media.

Overall, individuals interact more easily during off-peak hours (meals, transport, evening) while professionals tend to be present in the morning or early evening. If these statistics are rather reliable, do not hesitate to measure your results and adapt your rhythm of publication if necessary.

A good presence on social networks requires thoughtful work and a good dose of testing. We recommend that you vary your publicationsby adapting the messages to each social network, because you should not say the same thing or in the same way on Facebook as on Instagram, for example.

Publish relevant content

As you may have noticed, videos are taking up more and more space in our news feeds on social networks, particularly on Facebook and Instagram.

Also, if you want to gain visibility on social networks, do not hesitate to share videos, quality photos, animated GIFs or other visuals that will catch the eye of users.

Contests are also popular on social networks because they encourage subscriber engagement (click on a link or “like”) and encourage them to share (and therefore publicize) your activity.

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