Flower for a wedding

Flower for a wedding celebration of a marriage.?


How can the liturgical teams accompany the flowering of the church during the celebration of a marriage?

Why ?

The religious celebration has a very personal aspect, the bride and groom can express the values ​​founding their life project and not just their festive dream. But decoration magazines, reality TV shows and Anglo-Saxon series have an impact on them. Meeting them makes it possible to identify the style of ceremony, their desires (flowers,colors) and discuss the chosen biblical texts.

Where ?

Visit a church to assess material constraints: architecture, texture and colors materials, distribution of spaces, place of the bride and groom,choral. The flower decoration accompanies the liturgy and is placed near the am bo and/or the altar. We can provide other bouquets in accordance with shape and color: a bouquet à laVirgin; a welcome bouquet at the entrance if the passage allows it or mini-bouquets hung on the benches or chairs. Get help and possibly plan their distribution at the end of the ceremony, as a sign of sharing; we will avoid the bouquet on the altar (exceptional, according to the PGMR). But the profane fashion proposes garlands of flowers at the edge of the altar. To avoid this decoration, we can propose to the bride to place her bouquet in the corner of the altar during the celebration.

What purpose ?

Due to its beauty, the floral composition can be a mediation between: the bride and groom and God; the Church and the newlyweds: the personalized bouquet shows that she accepts them as they are; the celebrant and the Assembly: he can use this visual to increase the attention of the Assembly; the newlyweds and the local community: the bouquet remaining in the church leads to a prayer intention for them.

By who ?

If the bride and groom call on other people, the liturgical space must be respected: do not flower the furniture (stalls, pulpit, etc.), nor the bride and groom (arcades above the seats), do not put a bouquet n anywhere, etc. It would be good if, during the preparation for marriage, this question was raised and the services of a person from the parish were offered when possible.

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